So why is this? The Civil Rights Act doesn’t just apply to African Americans as its intent is to lock down equal opportunity for all. Maybe it’s just me but I can think of no other reason for the Asian-American community to have fewer rights than African Americans other than their small voting blocks. African Americans have leverage with the Democrat Party so the Party’s focus is on pushing their rights through quotas on college campuses while taking slots away from Asian-Americans. If Democrats were truly principled and believed in the Civil Rights Act, wouldn’t they care about every ethnic group and not just the group that continues to elect them?
An Asian-American group is now working with the Department of Justice to investigate the standards colleges are using to ensure their Constitutional Rights are not being infringed upon; to them I say: “Good luck!”
I don’t know how many of the mainstream media commented on this issue but I do know the Huffington Post and New York Times wrote op-eds. In their articles they made it sound like white people were against African Americans getting preferred admissions and didn’t mention that it was specifically the Asian-American community that was arguing for their rights. Think about how corrupt this is; yet another reason they are called fake news.
I’ve said it before, but for anyone to think they’re intellectually advanced about political and social issues because they read these liberal publications they’re only fooling themselves. They blatantly mislead readers and viewers to push their liberal agendas. They are corrupt.