Democrats are losing their minds over Trump not putting the hammer down on Saudi Arabia and they know it's so easy to fire up their base over the topic. There are always two sides to any story so here you go:
1) Jamal Khashoggi was not a U.S. citizen. Democrats and the mainstream media tried to make it appear he was a U.S. citizen by constantly mentioning he was a Washington Post contributor while not mentioning his nationality. Anyone with half a brain could see how they intentionally misled their readers and viewers. Right from the start Democrats attacked Trump for us not having our own investigation. Would we allow the Saudi's to come here and conduct their own investigations if something happened? No. They have no jurisdiction here and we don't have it there. They know this is true but misled their constituents about it.
2) Is it in our country's best interests in this case, to become the policeman of the world or is it better to protect thousands of manufacturing jobs because we have multi-billion-dollar contracts with Saudi Arabia? I guarantee you if it was your job, you wouldn't agree with the Democrats.
3) Saudi Arabia has helped bring oil prices down thus gas prices are extremely low and product prices haven't gone up as much because much of product packaging includes oil residues like plastics. We save money for our households if Saudi Arabia is a good trade partner.
4) We have no moral authority because we've killed many foreign citizens through CIA ops, who were negatively affecting U.S. interests. We've helped destabilize governments, incited coups, and inserted leaders of our choice who would be more U.S. friendly; where sometimes thousands of people died in the cause. I hope you know these things have been going on because it's important in this case. I don’t know the specifics of the operations, so I can’t judge what they did, I just trust that they were doing the best that they could to protect our citizens.
Because most people don't know how the world of politics work, it makes it so easy for politicians to spin their tales, this case is a perfect example. I've already heard some liberals say we have a moral duty to engage ourselves in this situation. The truth is we have a moral obligation to U.S. citizens first and I think it's immoral to take food off their tables.
Common sense and logic are getting thrown aside. Do you really think Democrats care about Jamal Khashoggi, a non-citizen, or do you think it might be more about politics? Do you think it's the U.S.'s role to be the policeman for the world? Are you willing, over this situation, to hurt millions of U.S. citizens because of lost jobs and increased prices at the pumps and in the stores?
This isn't intellectually advanced stuff, we just need to slow down, know politicians don't care about the truth and instead put Party over country, and use our common sense. Common sense and logic are our greatest weapons against these elite politicians.
I wish that more members of the Democrat and Republican parties understood that the war shouldn’t be between us, it should be against those who are putting Party over country. Their divide and conquer strategies are working and we need to wake up and understand we have a common enemy.