1) A large chunk of illegal immigrants are being passed through with no vetting, not even any legal obligation to report to a hearing, for further processing. They're gone.
2) ICE has received an $80+ million dollar budget and they're buying up hotel rooms all over the place on or near the border. I guess this is a form of stimulus. Many have COVID. Younger people are moved to separate rooms in the hotel while others end up migrating to area hospitals. They don't have insurance. Will only rich people who haven't been paying their "alleged fair share," in taxes pay for the hospital care of these illegal immigrants? Of course not! Just like they're not covering the bills for everything else that's going up such as food and gas prices. No, they're getting this money from basically every American regardless of your income.
3) I hope you saw the ten year-old boy on the border who was lost. It was absolutely heartbreaking. What's worse is that these undercover agents have verified that large groups of children are getting to the border unaccompanied and they have phone numbers. They process these children through calling the U.S. number to verify someone knows the child and then they are bused or flown to the location. The problem? Many children don't have the phone number of a family member, they have the phone number of the person who paid for them. Whether it's for domestic work or sex trafficking, the Harris Biden Administration has paved the way for these children to have horrific lives.
Welcome to the American dream!