I do believe that some politicians in the Democrat Party are far more responsible for creating division in our country. If you listen to these political leaders on You Tube, it's very clear that for decades, many of them have used words like homophobes, murderers, racists, etc., and they've demonized Republicans in general using deplorable language. It's one thing for Democrats to talk about policies but it's another to attack the character of those who disagree with them. The fact is, if you listen to leaders of the Republican Party on You Tube, you won't hear such terrible language about Democrats. I get pretty upset about any form of strategic division so it comes out in my writings.
Also, when I write about Democrats/Liberals, I don't mean everyone. There are some great people who are members of the Democrat Party and they very much care about people and the planet and don't judge the character of members of the other Party. I don't think Democrats/Liberals are evil. I strongly disagree with some of their ideas/policies and I write about them, but please know, I never mean to throw everyone into the same bucket. I know that members of both parties sometimes get disgusted with what their representatives are doing.
Disclaimer done. My writing can seem pretty aggressive at times so I just like to make sure everyone knows that I don't mean to lump people into the same categories; we're way too diverse for that. Both political parties are filled with people who are both bad and good. Some things never change.