Our politicians have absolutely buried us in debt and they know they can’t call in all markers ($214,792), per taxpayer or the system would break. Unfortunately, the taxes we pay isn’t enough to balance expenditures, so we go deeper and deeper in debt every second of the day; you can view this at www.usdebtclock.org. Take some Pepto Bismol before looking at it.
Increasing taxes massively to begin paying off the $214,792 isn’t realistic and certainly something most politicians don’t want to do if they want to get re-elected. So instead, they’ve placed us in a Catch-22 and the debt will continue to be kicked down the road to our children and their children and so on. I don’t know about you, but this very much upsets me; they didn’t create the debt problem.
The bottom line to this post is that I hope the issue of Federal Debt becomes a front-burner item to address with your representatives. Let them know that you want a surplus budget to where we can pay down the debt not just a balanced budget.
They have failed miserably, and we keep putting them back in office. Stay your Party line if you wish at the polls but it would be great if you wouldn’t re-elect any incumbent. Also do everything you can to put people in office who are every day folks and not just a bunch of professional politicians who are living the high life while the rest of us watch the debt clock soar higher and higher.