Around 83% of Americans believe in God; some wholeheartedly while some believe but question their faith at times. Roughly 2% of Americans are atheists and about 9% are agnostic (basically they believe in a creator but not sure who or what it is). What I’ve found over the years in talking with people who don’t believe in God, is that they’re scientifically sure they’re correct, to the point of arrogance in most cases. Basically, believing that Christians use emotions in their reasoning while they are intellectually advanced and use only facts.
Some of my best reasons for believing in God are the following: 1) Everywhere we turn, we see things that have been created/invented. Nothing, as far as we know, has come from out of thin air. So, if 100% of the things we see have a creator then why in the world would people not believe we have a creator? 2) This is one that I don’t think gets much thought, but I believe it’s powerful logic proving there is a God and it involves the Bible. First of all, no one can legitimately claim that the Bible wasn’t written a few thousand years ago. The Dead Sea Scrolls were amazing evidence as to accurate dating. Then we have the fact that if the Bible were fiction, then why was it written in the first place? Fictional writing didn’t exist back then. Who would the audience be, most people couldn’t read unless they were part of the Royal families, priest, and religious teachers? Why in the world would they want to teach people things that are fake? Next, are the stories that the authors of the Bible told. Let’s face it, there are some wild stories in there almost all found in the Old Testament. Stories that are so wild that it would be shocking to think anyone could or would have any reason to make the stuff up. It makes zero common sense. It is totally illogical.
I’ve got many more, but I’ll leave it at the above. I like to think that I’m fairly logical in how I approach things, and for me, there’s absolutely no doubt there is a God. Not just because of the logic of it but also, and more importantly, from personal experience. I’ve felt God with me since I was around nine years old. I’ve got a relationship with him that has been like a roller coaster at times but comforting beyond belief. Knowing I’m just passing through on to a better place, has helped me through many a bad day over the years. My greatest wish is that others who don’t know Christ, will discover him so that they’ll also know the peace and joy that I possess through Christ our Lord.