There’s always a flipside to everything; it’s a natural law which means to have good there must be bad/evil. How can you say someone is good without having a reference as to what is bad? It’s only natural that people want to focus on the “spiritual” good in life by focusing on God and not putting much thought into the bad which is the devil and that there’s a hell. The bottom line is that’s scary to think about there being a devil so most people avoid letting their minds go there.
The problem with this is that in most cases we are motivated more by our fears than by our positive expectations…not everyone is wired this way but most are; it’s the old carrot or the stick. What motivates you to get up every day, the expectations of great things or the fear of not getting up and what that might mean to your life? Our motivation fluctuates but we should be honest with ourselves. With this in mind, we’re okay with believing in God and having it motivate us to live an unselfish life but the fear of hell can be just as motivating (maybe more), it’s human nature.
Does God exist? Does the devil exist? I believe they both do because I believe in the natural law that there is always a flipside and that there is a purpose for this. My hope in this post is to get you to think about more than God because motivation comes in many forms.