First of all, these countries are now cracking down on illegal and legal immigration for various reasons including their severe budget problems because more and more money is going out to take care of many of the immigrants without them contributing to the economies with jobs and tax revenues. Around 68% of immigrants in France and Germany use some form of welfare. Of course this is terribly draining on their economies. Of course it’s terribly draining on ours as well as over 50% of illegal immigrants receive some form of welfare from our country; most of them do this through anchor babies.
I heard a member of the White House Press Corp from NBC News grill one of Trump’s officials over our immigration policies stressing that there’s a plaque on the Statue of Liberty inviting everyone to our country. He also didn’t like that the Trump Administration supported the requirement of immigrants to learn English before becoming U.S. citizens. He made it sound like it was due to the Trump Administration when Trump didn’t add this requirement, it was already in place.
What this reporter strangely didn’t know and many liberals either is that France, Germany, and even Mexico, require people to be proficient in their language before becoming citizens. The U.S. isn’t the only major country to understand the critical aspect of having immigrants assimilate into the host country.
Another issue has been the Syrian refugees. Liberals were livid that we were hesitant about taking them in. We wanted to limit the number coming in and delay the time period so that strong vetting could take place to reduce our national security risks. Liberals pointed towards other nations who were more open with their borders yet these countries are now regretting their decisions. Our mainstream media isn’t covering the concerns of other major countries regarding the negative aspects of bringing in Syrian refugees because it doesn’t fit their narrative.
I think we should allow Democrats to represent our country with their open arms. We’ll allow each liberal to adopt one Syrian family which they will be accountable and responsible for. This way we could bring in hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of Syrian refugees depending on how charitable these liberals really are; basically are they all talk and no action? Why waste time sending additional tax dollars to the Federal government when they could just pay for the refugees directly out of their pockets? In their minds they are more moral than Republicans so why not take the refugees in and take care of them?
The fact is we aren’t a terrible country even though many Liberals think we are; like with Obama’s apology tour. We need to look out for the interests of the citizens of our country first or we won’t be able to help anyone outside of our country. Lastly, let’s remember that all the rights liberals are throwing around come from our U.S. Constitution which was written for U.S. citizens not immigrants.