Let me start by saying it doesn’t matter to me too much which republican candidate gets the nomination as long as he’s able to beat Hillary. As it is now I have no concrete favorite but I have to admit I’m not a fan of Donald Trump for a few reasons. Keep in mind though that I will go to the polls for him in order to save our country from the amount of corruption that would be at play if Hillary Clinton and her cronies took charge of our country. Basically my mantra is anyone but Hillary.
Let me get down to it and that are a few of my concerns in reference to Donald Trump. First of all, although he tries to act like he’s not a politician he is in every way a politician in saying he’ll get things done that he’d have no control over should he be elected President such as immediately deporting illegal aliens, making Mexico pay for the wall, getting all the jobs back from China, etc. He knows most people don’t understand the Balance of Powers per our Constitution so he exploits it. He’s not the only one who does this of course but he is the one saying he’s different; he’s not; he’s a politician who is a lot like the rest of them. Regardless of our political affiliation our candidates are always trying to dupe us.
Another issue for me is some of the outrageous comments Trump has made which can’t help but make me question his character. What he said about John McCain not being a hero absolutely disgusted me. He actually said any person who was in the military who got captured wasn’t a hero. How much more outrageous can he be? Why don’t more people find this troubling? He said he would’ve stopped 9/11 from happening if he were President and that G.W. Bush lied to us so that he could go after Sadam Hussein; ridiculous. He also made a negative comment about Carly Fiorina’s looks which is out of bounds in my opinion. He said that Dr. Ben Carson wasn’t a great surgeon. These are just a few of many examples of outlandish non-presidential comments he’s made.
The bottom line is that my view of Trump based on what I’ve heard and seen is that he’s a spoiled child and I’m truly afraid he’ll end up embarrassing us around the world over something he says or does. I’m definitely hoping I’m wrong and am willing to vote for him if I have to which is kind of a sad state of affairs.
I mention things that concern me but there are also several things I like about Trump none more so than his straight talk without worrying about being politically correct. Would Trump make a good President, I don’t have a clue; I can hope. Would he make a better President than Hillary Clinton? I have no doubt he would but this doesn’t mean any of us have to support everything about him. No one is perfect. We need to support the good about Trump and challenge the bad so that it’s exposed because there’s no doubt that if he wins the nomination the Clinton campaign will expose everything real and not real in order to win the election.
The bottom line in this article is to share that although I’m not a ‘huge” fan of Donald Trump there’s no way I wouldn’t support him if that’s how the chips fall. My goal is quite simply to have a republican President and a majority in the House and Senate to hopefully move a conservative agenda forward. If the party still can’t get anything done after controlling the Executive and Legislative branches then I’m moving on to some kind of third party or moving on to another country.