But what the media fails to mention is that the bill leaves out one very important word which turns everything they're saying into a huge lie, and that word is "Gay," as this word isn't mentioned even one time in the legislation. Not once. Despite the Left’s endless rhetoric about the supposed horrors of this bill, the truth is much simpler.
In reality, the bill is “an act relating to parental rights in education.” While many on the Left think parents shouldn’t have much of a say in what’s being taught in their children's classrooms, a majority of Floridians disagree. Republican legislators are siding with the majority of parents in Florida who do not want any discussions of things like sexual orientation to younger grade school children.
Finding out that some teachers were talking to the children in their classes (as young as five years old), secretively about gender identity and sexual preferences, caused an uproar regardless of party affiliation and it's happening all across the country including in places like Texas where the principal told her teachers not to say anything to parents if they're covering the issues in their curriculum and this includes not sending anything home with their students to where their parents would pick up on what was happening.
I hope you find this as scary as I do. The bill doesn't impact those who teach junior high or high school so once again it's a lie that republicans want to shut down this type of education, they just believe children need to be more mature before taking on gender identity and sexual orientation issues. I agree with them as do a massive amount of child psychologists who have been telling us for years to let our children be children and don't dump a lot of serious content on them until they are better prepared to process it. By the way, the legislation also doesn't address people being put into prison, it's yet another lie. Are you surprised?
Democrats can't logically debate any of the above issues. They don't have facts which supports what they want to do with shaping these young minds. So instead, they did their usual thing and coordinated with the media to push a narrative that has absolutely no semblance to the truth. Politics over children.
How unusual for democrats and the mainstream media, to take something like this and completely lie about it (note sarcasm). I find it sickening that truth and transparency are no longer welcomed in the Democratic Party. They are the epitome of the end justifies the means. They truly sicken me because they're aggressively taking down our Republic. In reference to our greatest threats, I'd put it in this order of danger: 1) Democrats 2) China 3) Russia.