I feel both sides of the issue have some good arguments but as it stands now, I don’t think it’s a good idea. First, proponents of authoring licenses to illegals are making claims that aren’t substantiated such as their claim that it would lead to fewer hit and runs. How do they know it would lead to fewer hit and runs? What they leave out of their argument is that the chances of these same people to also buy car insurance, is slim at best. The bottom line is they still wouldn't want to stick around if there was an accident, especially if there's a fatality.
There’s been a significant problem with Hispanics drinking and driving; they index far greater when it comes to DUI's than an average U.S. citizen. There have been several of our citizens who have died from vehicular homicides committed by illegal immigrants. Why in the world would this problem diminish if they had a driver’s license? Would they suddenly not get behind the wheel when they were drunk? On the contrary, they’d feel more inclined to do so because they’d have a license and would be less worried about being pulled over for any traffic violation. Proponents state that it would make illegals better drivers by making them study and then pass a driving test, which I agree with, but do the pros outweigh the cons?
Offering driver’s licenses to illegals just makes it easier for the House and Senate to kick the can down the road when it comes to immigration reform. If they came together to discuss real reform, they might come up with a way through some form of DACA, to create an incentive for that group (no others), to have an opportunity to get a license. These people are typically better vetted. We have a good idea how long they’ve been here. More of them can speak English because they’ve been here for more than five years. Their children have been immersed in our school systems for a least two years. They would be on a path to citizenship which would make them more inclined to follow our rules of law and become assimilated more quickly into the American culture.
Opponents mention that having a driver’s license makes it easier to commit voter fraud. I don’t think it would be a huge issue as far as the number of fraudulent incidences, but with many elections coming down to the wire, just 100 fraudulent votes could determine the outcome of an election which is scary. I’m sure many Democrats don’t mind this since it’s very clear that most illegals would vote a straight Democratic ticket.
But my greatest concern is how providing driver’s licenses would dramatically increase illegal immigration. We already have a horrendous problem with illegals entering our country so the more benefits we give them, the more they'll cross our border; this is common sense and certainly logical. The push for Medicare for All, including for illegal immigrants, will open the flood gates on the border even more than it is now and this isn’t speculation.
So, the bottom line, in my opinion, is that the cons of offering driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants far outweighs the pros. Some cities are already allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. Let this sink in. People who aren’t supposed to be here, who broke the law when the snuck across the border and didn’t wait in line with the rest of the immigrants, are being rewarded. This is fundamentally wrong just as giving away driver's licenses..
The Legislative Branch needs to come together with common sense immigration reform and not allow any benefits to illegal immigrants until a new plan is in place to deal with issues such as DACA. The Federal Government needs to intervene until then and not allow any state the legal authority to provide benefits to anyone who is here illegally. I find it absolutely absurd that a state can risk our national security and just do whatever they want with illegal immigrants. Driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants would be the tipping point to a very bad outcome for an immigration system which is already broken. We need to deter illegal immigration, not entice it. This is a no-brainer.