First of all, she lied about mammograms because Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide them. Then what she failed to mention is although the organization makes up around 5% of the women’s centers across the country, they only provide around 2% of the health services. They do provide 36% of the abortions which tells us very clearly what business they’re really in.
Women have a right to an abortion but they don’t have a right for taxpayers to pay for it. Planned Parenthood has not proven they don’t co-mingle tax revenues into the abortion part of their clinics; they just want us to take them at their word. Taxpayers also have Constitutional right to say no to funding organizations who sell baby parts.
The bottom line is the money being spent on Planned Parenthood is wasted because they aren’t performing up to standards. There are 20 times more women’s health centers across the country than the number of Planned Parenthood facilities and many of them offer free services whereas women have to pay for services performed by Planned Parenthood.
Elizabeth Warren is making it sound like Republicans are on a mission to hurt women which is ridiculous. All the Republican Party is saying is that we should spread those tax dollars to other health centers across the country that are taking better care of women. This is something that Warren doesn’t want her constituents to know which I believe is unethical.
One of the best things that could happen to the Republican Party would be for Elizabeth Warren to run for President in 2020 because You Tube is filled with embarrassing moments for her just like her crazy rant about Planned Parenthood on the Senate floor. I say: “Run Pocahontas, run!”