With the above in mind, it was virtually impossible for someone to get fired. It required too much paperwork and too many layers of approval to dismiss someone. This is how it is in much of the government sector yet Democrats want to increase the size of federal and state governments through the "free," things they want to provide. They want to expand the IRS dramatically to audit peoples' wealth, they want to expand Health & Human Services dramatically by doing away with private insurance.
There just aren't that many go-getters in the public sector because that's not the culture. They don't provide innovation. They waste money because there's little accountability. Department heads keep their jobs even though they perform terribly. You've seen it before when these people go before Congress and get caught doing all kinds of bad things, but still don't lose their jobs. The hearings end up being a waste of time.
The bottom line is not only is it a terrible idea to expand government because it's built to fail, not succeed, but also the costs will take an already horrific problem of debt, and bury us to the point of bankruptcy. Absolutely not a question of if, but when.