1) Why in the world would Republicans care about taking care of the rich and not the people who make up their Party? Why go after a small percentage of votes at the expense of the masses? Votes are currency in their world so it's an outrageous claim by Democrats. The fact is, the Democrat Party is loaded with rich people (I can certainly name more millionaire Democrats than Republicans), they just don't want their voters to know it.
Why didn't Democrats change the tax code to go after the rich with higher tax rates and less deductions when Obama took office and they controlled the House and Senate? I truly don't understand why Democrats are so gullible when it comes to their leadership. The most lavish fundraising events are for Democrats; events that a majority of their constituents couldn't afford to attend nor would they be welcome because they don't have the sophistication for such events.
2) Democrats claim they're the Party for women yet married women by far voted for Trump over Hillary. Do Democrats think married women and/or moms are stupid? Quite frankly, with what we've seen over the last several months, a lot of liberals have sexually assaulted women so I don't think they're a lock for caring about women and their issues. Plus, it's very clear to me that the women's rights' movement is for women who are Democrats not all women which to me takes away their legitimacy. Why else would they viciously attack women who are Republicans, if it weren’t for them being more about politics than women’s rights?
There's a lot more of course but I'll leave it at the above for now. I'll say it again, I'm a Republican because I have no good options.