Can the federal government force companies to pay women more? How would they know who is and who isn’t following any guidelines they create? The only thing I’ve heard from democrats is that republicans are holding women back but I’ve not heard what democrats are going to do to correct the income gap. Another thing to really think about…why haven’t democrats fixed the problem? They had control over the House and Senate for a year and a half and did nothing.
What they did was so misleading and so disgusting. During this period they could’ve passed legislation to address gender pay gaps (although the legislation wouldn’t work), in the Senate and forced a vote in the republican led Congress. In my opinion the constant division democrats are creating is dangerous to our country just like Edward Snowden.
I’d like for you to think about something, how does the federal government know what men and women make across the country and in the same positions? I heard one member of Obama’s Administration say they got it from a census survey but he didn’t know anything about how this particular census worked. I looked into it and all it said was that it was a census survey but they didn’t provide any information on how many were surveyed or what the questions were. Think about all the information that would need to be collected to make their claims legitimate.
The fact is they don’t have adequate information on gender pay gaps and it’s disgusting that they act like they do. I’m not saying that other companies are like us but we pay everyone equitably based on their positions in the company. For example if we had six marketing analysts they were paid the same unless the responsibilities were different (or more due to time in position), it makes absolutely no sense to pay men more.
Another problem is the federal government doesn’t know the specifics of each position. You could have a man and a woman working in the same department but the man could be paid more only because he does something in the job that requires more expertise. How would they know this in their census survey?
Do women make less on average than what men make? I’m sure that on average it’s true but the thing is men have had higher paid positions in their companies but it’s changed dramatically over the last ten years. Democrats are using the Mad
Men mentality and projecting it to the 21st century. All about division.
We have a lot of women working in customer service and it pays well but certainly not as much as a male account executive. At the end of the day if you averaged what a female made in our company and the average pay of males, there would be a discrepancy because a lot of the administrative positions and customer service positions have lower salaries; but women who are account executives make just as much as the men and sometimes more because of the major accounts they manage and tenure with the company.
This is what I believe the Obama Administration is doing, they’re taking average salaries without insight into each department and each person’s responsibility. This makes what they’re doing and saying not statistically viable…not even close. Do you think they know the real story or are they trolling for votes again through dividing our country? They certainly are pushing the gender wage gap on the House and Senate floors and out on Obama’s stump speech tour which makes sense as there’s a lot of
topics they want to stay away from.
On a positive note (but not for men), women are closing the income gaps in leaps and bounds and they’ll have higher salaries not too far down the road. The bottom line is they’re becoming a lot more valuable than men due to the education gaps between men and women…high school and college graduation rates for women are much higher than men and they’re getting most of the advanced degrees making them biologists, doctors, engineers, scientists, etc., and this is why they’ll begin to have higher salaries…the Federal Government doesn’t need to do a thing. I just don’t get with their
horrendous track records in DC that they’d think they can fix something in the
private sector…it’s the last thing we need.
Obama’s saying he’s going to fix things because according to him republicans want to keep things like they were in the 50’s and 60’s. He doesn’t even know what needs fixing, all his party wants to do is strike a nerve with women voters regardless of whether there’s a real issue or if so, a real solution…which there isn’t.
So pay gaps do exists but there’s a logical reason for it but the natural progression (without government interference), is moving like it always does and corrects itself. I don’t know when but I promise you women will more than make-up for the current pay gaps and they’ll deserve it because they will have made themselves more valuable to the marketplace than men; this is how it’s supposed to work.
I think bringing up this issue should be more of an issue about men than women. It should be a wake-up call for men to get more aggressive in competing with women through better educations because that will be the only way they will remain marketable and prevent their own wage gap . By the way, the government can't fix that either.