But even with all this, most Democrats don't care. Most of them didn't care about what the Clinton Machine did to the women who accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. Do Democrats care about women or don't they? It sure seems like they are very inclined to use situational ethics.
To sound Presidential, Congressman Kennedy was tough on Trump and even stated that if the wall is built, his generation will tear it down. I guess the question is where do double-standards begin? If you view the various compounds the Kennedy's use, you'll notice they are using a wall to keep people out. Why do they believe in using walls for their properties but don't believe in using a wall to protect U.S. citizens or at the very least make those living in and around the border feel safer? Why don't they want the border wall? If Border Patrol Agents feel we need a wall then why would people thousands of miles away from the problem, think they know better than the men and women dealing with the difficult issues?
The fact is the Kennedy's want a wall around their compounds for protection; many wealthy people do. I'm guessing they don't want someone on their property who has no legal reason for being there - interesting. Not that the trespassers would necessarily commit a crime but it's a possibility and the Kennedy's deserve to feel relatively safe from a Constitutional perspective. They like having this freedom but apparently they don’t want citizens in and around the border to feel safe.
So once again double-standards rear its ugly head. They use walls for protecting their families but don't want to enhance protection for other legal citizens of our country. And what's craziest of all is that so much of the prison population in areas along the border and deeper into areas like Southern California have a large Hispanic prison population and in most cases these criminals hurt people from their own communities. In other words, most illegals don't have cars so they don't normally drive off into more affluent neighborhoods and commit crimes; they do this, but it's not common.
Slowing down illegal immigration means slowing down the number of people who are hurt by it which includes millions of Hispanics both legal and not. The bottom line is Kennedy is just another mouthpiece. He hasn't done anything yet but since he's a Kennedy and can speak well, he's now on the DNC's hot list of potential Presidential candidates.
Maybe we could cut a deal if the Kennedy's are willing to get rid of the walls and perimeter security around their compounds, we will hold off on building a wall. The more I think about it the more I like it!