Keep in mind, unless you're very talented, most people can only shoot one gun at a time. A shooter who wants mass casualties would be much better off using one rifle with a lot of clips which are easy to carry. Still means a lot of weight to carry around but it's much easier grabbing a magazine cartridge out of your pocket then dump a rifle to grab another one. Using a rifle is a challenge and is why by far most murders are committed by handguns and involves a killer and victim who knew each other.
I heard many angry, young people say we've got to do something, but they’re pretty much clueless. A good lesson for them (not realistic), would be to take away all gun control legislation and then let them build a plan from the ground up. They’d realize that we're loaded with gun control laws we just don't enforce some of them.
It's simple, they want to feel safe. Until more people are mentally healthy, these students will remain in at least some danger but the odds of something tragic like a mass murder occurring, is way less likely than one of the students dying from an automobile accident, drug overdose, suicide, etc. In the business world we prioritize the problems. In this case, other topics are due much more attention than the political game playing regarding the 2nd Amendment.
I’m with President Trump who said he’s so sick and tired of terrible events like this happening and then everyone freaks out but at the end of the day doesn’t do anything. They use tragic events to collect campaign funds thus the reason Democrats get so vicious demonizing the NRA and Republicans saying we have blood on our hands. You send them money and they’ll fight the good fight. I just wish their constituents knew how they were being misled.