"With total disregard for life, Trump host a super-spreader event at his luxurious mansion which is 20 times larger than the average American's home and thus why we really need to see his tax returns."
And this is why the media can't be trusted. All propaganda, no news.
On a side note: I hope you've seen the Obama's mansion. It is beautiful. Having been involved in the publishing business I can absolutely promise you one thing - they didn't get rich off of book sales. The publishing company gave Obama far more money than they could ever recoup off of regular book sales. But guess what? Even when no one knew who Obama was, he wrote a book about himself called: "Dreams of My Father." Some people were certainly surprised, based on demographics alone, how it became a best seller.
Have you ever heard of block buys? This gives corrupt people in the democratic party a way to get money from organizations through large purchases and not single ones like at Barnes & Noble. Meaning organizations like the DNC, Foreign companies, NAACP, etc., buy massive amounts of books that will never be read. It's comparable to money laundering or setting up off-shore accounts. It's despicable. Quite frankly, they are no longer servants of the people. They went to be served, not to serve. Their gift to us? A country more racially divided than I've seen in my lifetime.