1) Asian Americans have an annual death rate of 385 people per 100,000. African Americans have a rate of 871, whites have a rate of 737, while Hispanics are at 524. Clearly the problem isn't with Asian Americans. Quite frankly, with the exception of some places in California, Asian Americans don't live in a culture of aggression. In other words, they travel in circles where there isn't a lot of danger. They are the most successful race in the country along with the Jewish community.
2) Asian Americans are mostly killed by other Asian Americans (as it is with each race), followed by African Americans. So once again, democrats and the media are telling lies because it's not white supremacists who are primarily responsible for killing Asian Americans.
I could write more examples but the two above pretty much tells the story. Democrats take every opportunity possible to politicize issues and divide our country. They make wild claims about the republican party and then ask for money to fight the good fight against them. I say this all the time, I consider this treason because that is what politics over country is all about.