By the way, I checked, and no other countries offer people who are trying to enter their country illegally, room and board (plus medical). They don't pay for their surgeries (we've paid for a ton). I'm sure some democrats will find this strange but apparently most countries aren't as accommodating as the U.S. We have more immigrants than anyplace else. We have more requests than any other country for people to move here. Minorities who are flooding in I guess don't believe what they're hearing from the Democratic Party. Just how bad of a country can we be if we are the preferred destination of people all around the world? Why do so many democrats trash our country as if we're racist?
So, $71,666.67 divided by six months equals $392.69 per person per night. One night at most hotels is around $141 (national average), and it includes a free breakfast, refrigerator, and microwave. There's no doubt in my mind that this will become a huge scandal. Time and time again, democrats are refusing transparency into the money trails of their socialists' policies. Why don't they think taxpayers should have this knowledge?
Quite frankly, this is the reason the left pushes so hard for so many "special," programs, because everywhere down the line, some politicians along with their family and friends are getting a cut. When programs are sponsored, people with little to no experience, get plush jobs (like Hunter Biden). Chelsea Clinton made over $100,000 right out of college. Is she that extraordinary? Then the people who are qualified and care about the work they do, often leave these organizations because of their lack of respect for those who were given their positions, don't know what they're doing, and causing everyone around them much more work.
We're broke. Our country is run by people who have burned through our cash and have to borrow and print money to keep our country afloat. What will happen when other countries no longer believe we are a good investment?
Government spending is burying us. I hope that years from now when people are studying the history of the U.S., that they'll realize the idea of a Republic was a great one and should be duplicated because it wasn't the system that couldn't sustain and wasn't effective, it was the people who we allowed to run our country.
BTW: The hotels are just stopping places for illegals while democrats secretly find places to send them throughout the U.S. Let me ask you something. Do you think that it's legal to send non-citizens who we know little to nothing about, into someone's state without getting the state's approval? Actually, without letting the states know at all and sending people in during the middle of the night? People have been killed by illegal immigrants that the Federal Government placed into various communities. I have it on very good authority that the mainstream and social media is on the same page with democrats and are filtering negative news about immigrants. It is truly sickening.