1) Biden and Harris are both travelling to Atlanta in order to stoke more racial divide as investigators have clearly stated the suspect who murdered the eight Americans had a fondness for Asian women and had frequented the establishments where the shootings took place. But they don't care about the truth. Even ABC Nightly News was pushing the Asian hate angle again even though they have absolutely NO evidence of this being a hate crime. I repeat, no evidence!
2) Some Democrats from the House and Senate (Asian Americans), are travelling to Atlanta as well. They too, will work with the media in Atlanta in an attempt to change the narrative. In the end, they'll want money for particular hate crime legislation. This is fraud. At least it is in the private sector. I can't tell people lies to get them to hand over their hard-earned money. I'd be arrested. Why can these politicians do it? Some of them are pushing for donations to the anti-hate against Asians cause; a cause that isn't real.
3) Biden and Harris both going down to Atlanta is way against the usual protocol. If their plane was hit (now I am assuming they're travelling together), then we'd be in for historic measures to stabilize the the Executive Branch. The question is: "What possible reason do they have for both of them to be needed in Atlanta? Is Harris in training because the individuals behind the scene are questioning Biden's mental capacity? I don't know. I certainly hope not. Harris as president would be a terrible embarrassment for our country, especially for many women.
4) Why does the media constantly have to let us know the race of the individuals killed across the U.S.? Well, actually they don't report on whites being killed even though they are the most vulnerable group from a number's perspective and of course many more whites are killed in the U.S. than any other segment. As far as I know, eight Americans died in Atlanta and that's so sad. It doesn't matter their gender, race, sexual orientation, etc., it matters that someone took their lives.
5) When are liberals going to be honest about January 6th? Just tonight I heard ABC talking about the 300 plus Trump supporters who broke into the capitol and committed crimes. I'm sure some were Trump supporters but there's evidence galore that it wouldn't have mattered who was president, a violent mob was looking for a cause. Liberals attack police, a true Trump supporter would not.
6) I'm still waiting for someone to prove to me that Kamala Harris is African American. Please let me know if you find anything. 😁 She has taken advantage of being African American throughout her career so is it legitimate or did she take advantage of the system?
7) Another example of fake news by ABC tonight. Biden has gotten some heat over his comment that Putin is a murderer, and of course now Putin is pulling back on any diplomacy. So in order to take the heat off of Biden, since the mainstream media considers that a mission, they showed a clip of Trump and tried to make it look like he said the same thing. He didn't. When Trump was asked this question, he threw out some ugly truths. He didn't call out Putin specifically, but instead said there are some countries who are guilty and he said that the U.S. isn't innocent either.
I hope the difference is clear and you can see how ABC blatantly lied to cover their narrative. Think about it, roughly two million viewers every single night think they're getting truthful information when they aren't; at least when it comes to politics. This is why it's so difficult debating some liberals. A case of garbage in and garbage out. And keep in mind, it's not an isolated event. Pretty much every single night, they do something to deceive their viewers.