The above verses make it appear that God is dealing with people who are dishonest which is true, but I think we can glean a little more out of it. What the verses could also mean is that God doesn't like it when people set the scale based on their measurement system (their truths) and, expects everyone else to live by it. It's human nature to judge others based on our standards of measurement but this doesn’t mean it’s fair or smart of us to do this.
God says the weights are created by him (Proverbs 16:11). We aren’t to set the scales he is…he not only sets the scales he decides what and who measures up. Which segues nicely into a very scary and profound verse: “Judge not lest we be judged.” – Matthew 7:1
Someone once said: “Don’t get on me for my sins just because they’re different than yours.” To this I say, amen.