- She said first and foremost that the answer to our skyrocketing gas prices, is to reduce carbon dependency and that we need to invest in more green technology (what are we supposed to do until then?).
- When asked would getting the XL Pipeline moving again, she got mad and sad no. The Biden Administration is tired of hearing about the pipeline. Instead of admitting a mistake on day one of Biden’s presidency, they’re still saying the pipeline is bad in order to support the progressives in their party. The XL Pipeline once in operation can bring us way more oil than what we were getting from Russia, and it would cost much less. The Biden Administration is the worst I've ever seen with having policies which hurt poor people. Between rising food cost and gasoline, an average family is having to spend over $3,000 more for their needs. This is a significant burden to place on people who are just trying to get by, and the Biden Administration does not care; it's politics over country.
- She said that we have better ways to work around the pipeline through standard transportation for moving the oil, like rail and trucking. There’s no way they could convince anyone who is sane, that moving oil along the roads and rails is safer than using a pipeline. It’s an outrageous lie. If they truly think that pipelines are dangerous, why haven’t they removed the thousands of miles of pipeline in our country that have been moving gas and oil for years. Billions and billions of gallons of oil have gone through these pipelines. Do you remember us having any systemic issues with them?
- She was challenged on the Biden Administration’s mentality towards climate change in reference to energy. Peter Doocy (Fox News) commented that producing the oil here or sourcing someplace else, still means the oil is being used so no carbon footprint is improved. Why don’t some liberals understand this simple concept? By the way, she dodged the question.
- When asked whether it was a good idea for us to be getting oil from Russia and shopping for some now in Venezuela, when it helps the economies of ruthless leaders, Jen pivoted to another topic. She didn’t want to get into this issue. I'm sure she'll circle back to it.
- She lied when she said the Biden Administration is producing more oil than Trump’s and she lied about the U.S. oil industry being responsible for the increasing gas prices due to their corporate greed. Of course they also blamed the greedy meat industry for the high grocery prices. How disgusting. She said that these companies have leases for thousands of drilling areas in the U.S., but they refuse to tap them. What she didn’t say, is that Biden’s Executive Order on day one, made it to where they couldn’t begin new drilling without some serious red tape. They were going to make these evil oil companies jump through hoops to tap oil wells. They were also going to take on a new tax, they call it a royalty, on any new wells. In other words, since the oil industry actually runs off slim margins (they lie about this too), they were making to where the oil industry wouldn't be interested in tapping new locations. She was misleading everyone. Once again Doocy was the only one calling her on it.
- Just how can the masses purchase electric vehicles when they average around $60,000? Most people from the middle-class on down spend a fraction of this and it's usually on used cars. I'm sure it would be shocking to the rich folks in the Democratic Party, but the average price of a car in the U.S. is around $5,300. This just goes to show how many people purchase used vehicles. So I guess the left believes these people would spend about 20 times more than they're spending now? They are so out of touch and blinded by their outrageous ideology.
- Something I've never heard from the left, is that China is the place to get lithium, which is what goes into the batteries of electric cars. So, we'd go from fossil fuel dependency to lithium dependency from a country who'd love to see us fall.
- Another little thing democrats leave off is that over 60% of the electricity would still be generated by fossil fuels. I find it absurd that people who are supposed to be intelligent don't realize that electricity for those electric charging stations has to come from somewhere.
- There are a significant number of products which use oil (i.e., asphalt, crayons, lubricants, kerosene, propane, plastics, wax, etc.), so we not only can't eliminate the use of petroleum, we'd also be shooting ourselves in the foot because the prices we pay now for these products would skyrocket. Democrats don't even tell people that oil is used for more things than creating gasoline. They're a shady bunch.
I can only listen to the White House press conferences on days that I can handle it because it gets me so irate. They lie so easily to the American people and it's shocking that we continue to let them get away with it. How about a class-action lawsuit with all Americans going after the politicians who have lied, and it damaged our Republic, you know, people like Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer. It's time to let the lawsuits fly for liable and slander.