Sure, it’s not pleasant to be separated from your parents but this isn’t a United States’ problem it’s a problem with the parents who take the risk to come here illegally. Keep in mind they can go through proper channels (including seeking asylum) and get into our country legally but for some reason they chose not to do it this way. Which begs the question, why do they need to come in illegally? This is a very important question.
Anyhow, Democrats and the mainstream media are running with this and placing personal attacks directly on Trump and Republicans in general stating they don’t like kids which is completely ridiculous. And the thing of it is, Republicans have legislature which would get these families back together but instead of supporting it and getting something done, Democrats want to stick to the narrative that Trump and his voter base is evil. They are misleading their constituents as to what is really going on in Washington. This is why we need term limits.