Being shot down about there being more hurricanes these days, they took on a different approach. They claimed that more powerful hurricanes are now taking place using figures regarding the much higher damages in property. There isn't a difference in the number of Category 4's or 5's that occurred over 50 years ago to the last 50 years but they are right about the damages but it's completely misleading (who would've thought). The reason behind the large increase in damages is that there are way more homes on the coast to get damaged. We are much more populated now, especially right on the coast, than we were more than 50 years ago. So, of course more homes would be damaged but it isn't due to more powerful hurricanes as they are claiming. Doesn't it just take a little common sense to understand this?
The ease they have in lying to the American people is scary. I would say that maybe they aren't lying and that it's just a matter of them not knowing the facts, but the information I provided above is just a click away using a search engine. There are numerous reports regarding how many hurricanes have hit our coasts, some dating back to the 1800's, and some of these reports include all the hurricanes' measured strengths. It would only take a couple of minutes to check out for yourself. The fact is, Democrats in the House and Senate are swamp monsters.