Let's say for ease of calculations, that 100 people had income equality because they all had $10. Now let's say that one person out of the group came up with a great idea for a cell phone (like Steve Jobs did), and half the group was willing to spend $3 on it and the rest decided to save their money and not buy the fancy new phone. Think about what just happened. Now 49 people have $10, 50 people now have $7 (plus a new phone), and the entrepreneur who came up with the idea of a new cell phone now has $160 (the 50 who bought his phone plus his original $10). Enter what Democrats call income and wealth inequality.
Should the entrepreneur be punished for being rich? He didn't force the people to buy his product. Should the people who decided the product wasn't worth them giving up $3 be punished for being more frugal? Which is exactly what happens with many benefit programs that people pay into and will happen even more in the future. The government won't care about what you paid in, they'll just care about how much money you have. Being responsible with your money will end up being a bad strategic move which means capitalism, the very thing that made our country successful, will go away.
The bottom line is liberals want to decide what's fair and exactly how will they determine the "have's" and the "have not's?" If you have a household income of $50,000 then you're a "have" to millions of people down the economic spectrum. Their arguments regarding income disparity not only doesn't make common sense but it is at its core, immoral. It's so easy giving away other peoples' money. It's easy to get more votes when you promise to take money from the minority who don't have the votes to protect themselves.
I'm a Republican out of necessity not out of desire. I'll fight for the core values of our country until the day I die because I owe it to the young people who are coming up behind me. Income disparity is a false and divisive narrative that I'll gladly debate anyone about.