First of all, think about how ridiculous it is for liberals to think someone shouldn’t win the pageant because she has different opinions than theirs. It’s sad that so many liberals only believe in freedom of speech when what’s being said is agreeable to them.
This is exactly what’s hurting the personal growth of many college students throughout our country. Some students (a.k.a. young Democrats), are protesting and/or rioting to control who is allowed to speak on their campuses. They aren’t allowing other college students who want more conservative speakers in to hear what they have to say. Students are supposed to be in college to be exposed to different ideas but instead they narrow their thought process by filtering all things they find unpleasant to their naïve ideology.
The Miss USA contestant was correct. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it state that U.S. citizens should be provided healthcare and if it was, our country would’ve gone bankrupt years ago. If healthcare were a right then the House and Senate would have to include it in the Federal Budget which is already in shambles leading us to monumental debt under the Obama Administration.
There’s not a single liberal who could successfully argue that having healthcare is a Constitutional right. If liberals would like attempt to pass a Constitutional Amendment they can try but I don’t think it would pass the House or Senate. The reason for this is that from a fiscal perspective most members of both parties wouldn’t support it because the Congressional Budget Office would tear apart any legislation that would increase our Federal budget by over 30% and it would according to most research.
These representatives would have to come up with a plan to drastically increase tax revenues (angering taxpayers), and/or cut items from the budget including government agencies (angering special interests), to pay for a new Healthcare Amendment to the Constitution. They wouldn’t want to do either of these things because it would negatively affect their chances for being re-elected. On the republican side I can guarantee you that a representative wouldn’t be penalized for not passing legislation for universal healthcare but he or she would be out of a job if taxes went up drastically to pay for it.
Although many liberals have gotten heated up over this issue it’s very simple…healthcare is a privilege because we wouldn’t have a solvent nation if it were made a right. As Margaret Thatcher said: “Socialism is great until you run out of someone else’s money.”
The problem is that not enough people truly understand the damage that occurs when a government of any type goes bankrupt including a city government. At this point, it completely goes into survival mode where basic community services are reevaluated including expanding territories of fire and police departments which is of course dangerous but they do it. Local hospitals cut back on medical equipment and ER staffs. Road repair and construction is halted. The list goes on and on. A nation our size going bankrupt has horrific implications beyond the imagination or measure.
The fact is, no bankrupt government in history has come back to offer its citizens universal healthcare and we know what happens when we don’t respect history and what it has to teach us.
I’ll say it one more time then move on…healthcare for U.S. citizens isn’t a Constitutional right it’s a privilege. As a nation we aren’t meeting the financial requirements of the welfare we’ve already instituted and instead are borrowing money from other nations to do it. Continuing to raise our debt limit to provide privileges is dangerous. Why in the world don’t supporters of Obama Care get this?