The lies that I don’t agree with are those that we tell for selfish reasons. For example, when we tell a lie to get out of trouble. During these times our primary goal isn’t to spare someone else’s feelings, we do it to protect ourselves. I think this is wrong.
Lastly, there are the lies of omission. The bottom line is if we hold back information to convince someone to think something that isn’t true, and we do this for selfish reasons, then this is wrong. The media and politicians do this all the time, they hold back facts to push their agendas. They are lying to us.
The bottom line when trying to figure out if a lie is okay to tell, is to understand why we’re going to tell the lie. If it is for unselfish reasons then that’s okay but if we’re lying to avoid getting in trouble, it’s a lie. It might not sound good, but we’re all liars, let’s just do our best to do it for righteous reasons.