Even if you took only one class on the Constitution you'd know that a policy coming out of the CDC isn't lawful in a matter such as this which has an economic impact, and the key word being the "extension," of the original directive. The Constitution gives one pass for emergency situations, but requires that it be immediately taken up by Congress in order to be legalized. Only the legislature can pass the extension. But as we know, Dems didn't address the issue and then everyone went on vacation.
So the Biden Administration which considers the Constitution an obstacle, has used the CDC to pull a fast one. They know most Americans don't know that it was an unlawful move. But most of us will as lawsuits begin to crush democratic policies.
BTW: Shout out to our Governor Ron, as he gave Biden and Psaki a spanking this week they will never forget. I know: "Don't mess with Texas." I think Florida can now join their ranks! Oh, and if you guys in Texas ever want to consider creating a new country, we're ready for action! I know there are several states which would like to sit down and talk. I don't mind having to use a passport if I ever want to travel to ex-Union states like California, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, etc. Just kidding of course. Or am I? :)