Taking the great idea of using pictures that the grieving families brought with them, Schumer went to the Capitol steps with several people holding up posters/signs of people who work for the Federal Government and aren't getting paychecks. They attacked Trump as usual.
Not that I don't feel sorry for the people not getting a paycheck but the murdered victims at the hands of illegal aliens won't get a paycheck ever again. Their families will forever be in pain while the government employees who make significantly more than people in the private sector, will be back on their feet again, the murdered victims will not.
This is how Democrats work. Pelosi and Schumer are morally corrupt and they're supposed to be the best of their Party; I think this says a lot. It certainly reinforces my desire to remain a Republican and fight against them with everything I've got. They won't listen to the families of victims. They won't go to the border wall to meet with border agents. They won't have one-on-one meetings with Kristjen Nielsen, the head of Homeland Security, to discuss her reasons for wanting a border wall.
It's easy for them to get away with not doing these things because the mainstream media provides them with cover. They didn't even challenge them on why they changed their minds about needing a border wall or why Pelosi feels compelled to now call it immoral. They are now on the team of the Democrat Party and it's like playing a football game where all the refs are on the side of the other team. It's time to suit up because it's game on!