I don’t care for the Democrat or Republican Party but I associate with a more conservative ideology so I’m a registered Republican. Unfortunately being an Independent or a Libertarian is pretty much a waste of time because they don’t have the leverage in most elections to get a candidate in place and make a difference in the House and Senate.
I know there are good politicians but they’re involved in a game that has completely gone awry. Neither party truly represents the people anymore but instead they represent their own interests (this is why they fight so hard each re-election period). Anytime it gets to the point where the best jobs are better in the public sector than the private sector the system has turned upside down.
Most government jobs not only have better retirement plans and job security (which has been their selling point for years), but now they provide on average 27% more income than private sector jobs. One example is that an average Federal government employee makes around $76,000 a year while an average soldier makes $38,000; in this case working for the government is twice as profitable as risking your life and serving your country. The disparity between the private and public sector incomes is disgusting and even an average student could understand this leads to bankruptcy which we’re getting very close to reaching. We’re actually there now but that’s a whole other article.
I attack Democrats pretty hard sometimes (well a lot of times), and none more so than Clinton and the Obama Administration but I would like it known that I don’t dislike Democrats. There’s no way I think they’re trying to tear our nation apart they just have an overall (I agree with some things), ideology that I don’t agree with. I have friends and some family members who are Democrats and I find it fun to banter back and forth. The bottom line is if everyone agreed with me life would be pretty boring and pretty screwed up because I certainly know I’m not right about everything.
So at the end of the day, I think the best thing I can do as a citizen is to not serve in government but to be involved in the system. My representatives in Raleigh, North Carolina and D.C. (I’ve travelled there to meet with them about various issues), know who I am and I comment on legislation frequently. I also have them provide feedback as to exactly what they’re going to do (or not do), to address my concerns. They work for me and I make sure they know this. Your representatives need to know who you are if you are to do your job as an effective citizen of the United States. You’ve seen what happens when you don’t voice your opinion why not get engaged in the process and at least give it a shot.
It’s easy to sit back and complain but I think it’s important that we do what we can (no matter how small it might seem), to make a positive difference for ourselves and even more importantly for the future of our children and grandchildren. As it is now, things aren’t looking too good for them…the system is broken and we bear at least a part of the blame. We’ve set back and hoped for the best and it has spiraled out of control on us. The Supreme Court no longer interprets the Constitution but instead just votes along party lines. Trying to get a Bill passed in the House and the Senate is like pulling teeth as both parties attack each other non-stop. They won’t pass a surplus budget which is the only way to pay down our debt and prevent bankruptcy. The Executive Branch is bypassing Congress right and left in order to try and push legislation; which in some ways I don’t blame Obama because the House and Senate sure aren’t doing anything.
I apologize if it seems like I’ve been all over the place with this article, my goal is to hopefully convince you that we can make a positive difference by getting involved; we don’t have to become a politician to make a positive difference in politics. If you’re pleased with how things are going in Washington then that’s okay but if you’re not, something needs to change.
One thing I can promise you at this point is that doing your civic duty by just voting isn’t going to cut it with our political system crumbling as fast as it is. I’d be neglect if I didn’t mention that the best thing we can do for our country is to pray for it on a daily basis. God bailed the Israelites out of problem after problem so he can do the same for us.
I’ve provided a link below that will allow you to find who your representatives are and it gives you their phone numbers and email addresses so it’s very easy to get involved and let your representatives know how you feel. I’d have their phone numbers on your contact list and if you hear about something on the news that makes you mad give them a call or send an email about how you feel about the topic. I’ve also provided a phone number to the White House and they’ll get you to the right department to address your ideas/concerns.
White House Phone Number: (202) 456-1414