The Director of the CIA said he was embarrassed when he saw Susan Rice on the morning talk shows stating that a video was to blame. Obama was even on the liberal talk show “The View” two weeks after the attack when he certainly knew concretely that it was a terrorist attack yet he blamed the video again. Clinton told the families of the four men who lost their lives that it was a video that caused the attack and that they’d go after the director of the film. All this during a time where they knew via CIA reports and emails (which I’ve seen), that it had absolutely nothing to do with a video that instead it was a planned attack.
The very night of the attack an emergency meeting took place (Clinton was there), at the White House and there were ten agenda items five of which were political and had to do with using the video as a narrative to shift the blame from the Obama Administration’s foreign policies. Here men had died and were continuing to die while they met, and they were busy talking about how to save their own hides.
Clinton knew that Ambassador Stevens asked for additional security three different times but was turned down. The reason, because it was the policy of the Obama Administration to try and make it look like compounds in Middle-Eastern countries were government friendly. He didn't want to upset the host country by us using our military personnel for security. Instead we had local Libyan security and some of them ran off when the attacks began and some participated. Obama placating Muslim nations has been the modus operandi of his foreign policy and it's proven deadly. By the way, this is an Obama Administration problem not one I’d direct at Secretary Clinton…she was just following orders/policies. I don’t know if she concurred with him.
The Obama Administration is saying they couldn't have gotten to the four men who were killed in time to save them (which is probably true), but what they don't mention is that for 13 hours contracted security personnel barely hung on to protect the other 30 people that were still at the compound. They could've been killed as well if it weren't for the now decorated men who saved them. Please see the movie “13 Hours” to appreciate what these brave men did.
Many mistakes were made and we need to learn from them. The cover-up is where extreme punishments should be dealt (which does include Clinton). By the way, keep in mind that she said the attack was due to the video and that it wasn't a planned attack yet told Chelsea and the Prime Minister of Egypt immediately that it was a terrorists attack. Why didn’t she say the same to the American people instead she sent Susan Rice to lie on the various talk shows. By the way, why did they send Rice, she had nothing to do with the State Department?
If some Democrats don't see a problem with this then they need to admit to themselves that character doesn’t matter to them. They support someone who lied to us and the lie itself is not in question. What does that say about them? What about their integrity? The fact is some Democrats didn't want to negatively affect Obama's re-election campaign so they lied to the American people. If President Bush would’ve done this all hell would’ve broken loose. Where's the accountability?