Just 20 minutes after the legislation was released to be reviewed by Senate members, Chuck Schumer went to the podium and told everyone about how terrible it is; how could he of read it that quickly? Predictably, Democrats are saying it will destroy Medicare, kill children, kill the elderly, kill veterans, make rich people richer, and that millions of people will lose their coverage. I had no idea Republicans were this evil.
I find it interesting that the Democrat’s leadership team is using the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), to make a claim that 23 million people will lose coverage when they’ve said on many occasions that they don’t trust the CBO because of their horrendous track record of making economic predictions (which is true), but now that data supports their agenda they jump all over it. Although I admit I’ve caught both parties doing this several times.
Of course they don’t mention the CBO’s lack of credibility to their constituents and they don’t mention that the reason so many people are predicted to not have insurance is because the Republican plan doesn’t force people to have it. There’s no doubt that a lot of young people are going to opt out just like I would’ve done when I was young, healthy, and invincible.
The truth is that instead of uncaring Republicans taking away health insurance for millions of people, it’s a choice made by the people as to whether they want it or not; this sounds more like our forefathers would of wanted not the government mandating insurance. This is a completely differently story than what Democrats are selling.
What about the millions that have lost coverage under Obama Care? Certainly they know that it was crashing and burning so where’s their plan? Keep in mind that based on the Democrats’ mentality it can be very easily said that Obama Care is killing children and the elderly because millions have lost coverage.
I don’t have a clue whether the Republican’s health care plan will be effective because there are so many variables but I do know that something had to change. Makes me wonder why Democrats aren’t willing to allow Republicans to crash and burn with their alternative plan. Are they afraid it might work?