I’ve got a few things to share that totally debunk the liberal mindset of this type of disgusting event. First of all let’s make this real simple, would a white professor keep his job if he said African Americans should be killed? An emphatic no! He’d rightly be accused of inciting violence among other things. This is such a tremendous double-standard and if white Americans don’t start speaking out about situations like this, we’ll end up with the terrible society we deserve. I’m not talking about any special privileges for whites, just equal treatment as African Americans should certainly understand this desire having been victims themselves.
Also, freedom of speech doesn’t guarantee there are no repercussions. These men represented their schools and to come out and say any group of people should be killed, shouldn’t fit either school’s core values and should lead to discipline up to and including firing which in both of their cases should have been done immediately.
Quite frankly, the professor from Texas A&M University should’ve been even more culpable because it’s a public university. I certainly don’t want my tax dollars going towards giving a professor like this a platform to push hate and violence.
Freedom of speech, regardless of what some liberals and many in the mainstream media are saying, has boundaries and the biggest line not to cross is inciting violence. Both these professors are guilty of this very thing. It’s not just these two men because violent rhetoric has been on the rise and coincidentally from members of the Democrat Party. And as we’ve seen with one of the Bernie supporters, the rhetoric turned into what could’ve been a mass murder.
The fact is, the Democrat Party has kicked into such a high mode of dividing our country based on various demographics that we should begin immediately living these wise words before it’s too late: “United we stand, divided we fall.”