He comes across as the moral authority and I guess hopes people don't remember a show he did called: "The Man Show." In it, he treated young women terribly and had a skit called The Juggy Girls. He had them doing a dance called: “The Worm” with hardly any clothes on. He had one eat a banana slowly on stage. He had one put her head between her legs and lick the inside of her thigh.
Would he want someone doing this to his daughter when she grows up? I think Kimmel is funny, but I've stopped watching him because he's gone too political. Plus, I can't stand hypocrites like him. He shouldn't be judging other people when the fact is, until he got married, he was like a frat boy who treated women solely as objects to be possessed.
Colbert is out because he's way more political than the rest of them so now I'm left with Fallon; the lesser of three evils.