Add to this the ridiculous prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse. Since the prosecution knew the video would be shown where clearly Rittenhouse is being pursued, he wasn't the pursuer, why did they even consider moving forward with the arrest? People in the courtroom were in shock as the trial started and testimony began. All they knew was the information they got from the news which was constantly blasting Rittenhouse as a racist in pursuit of killing others. What they had heard and read wasn't even close to matching up with what the media was pushing.
Justice isn't blind. Democrats have pulled the blindfold off of her and have inserted politics into our judicial system. This isn't conjecture, I've got thousands of examples. Literally, thousands of examples. I repeat...thousands of examples. Get the picture. We need an overhaul to protect individual rights. Picking who gets prosecuted based on political beliefs, is one of the factors leading to the downfall of many great nations. Having a system where people in government have immunity from liable and slander claims is outrageous. Having a system where news outlets can get away with blatant lies, is damaging our great nation. It's time to stop the madness!