It truly shocks me that some people buy into this. If Trump were a racist, then why doesn't he change our legal immigration policies across the board? We have around one million legal immigrants from all around the world and from every race and religion, coming here annually so if Trump's a racist, why wouldn't he try to stop these people from coming in?
If he’s biased against a particular group, it’s the ones who break laws or the ones from designated countries who harbor terrorists (the same list Obama used). He doesn’t want a white person here illegally just as much as he doesn’t want a Hispanic coming here illegally. The fact is there’s no reason at all to call Trump a racist based on the wall he wants to build. If liberals can prove the other 50 million people who want a wall built are racists then maybe there's a story about Trump. Until then, it's a ridiculous argument.
I've said it before, but Trump's companies haven't discriminated based on gender, race, sexual orientation, etc., because if someone can help him make money, these other things are non-factors. The only color I know he's partial to is golf courses and green money.
Let me throw out another theory regarding why Trump wants to build the wall and see if it makes more sense than him being a racist. Maybe, just maybe, he's doing it so we can slow down illegal immigration which means we could vet more people and make our citizens safer. Maybe Trump likes the fact (like our border patrol does), that we'd be able to steer people to different areas along the fence. Meaning there could be open sections in the wall that are manageable to protect and allow our people to work the other side of the fence as well.
Technology is a Robin to the wall which is Batman. Liberals who weren’t willing to do anything at all in reference to enhancing border security are now coming to the plate because their greatest concern is that President Trump will accomplish one of his major goals. It has nothing to do with the wall being the right thing to do therefore they’re now bringing up other things we can do technology wise which is something Republicans have already been trying to do but were getting blocked at every turn.
Why are liberals so adamant about not building a wall? Why don't Border Patrol have the biggest say in whether it would be effective? What in the world do liberal politicians know about securing our borders? The many Federal agencies that would be impacted by the wall (i.e. ATF, Border Patrol, CIA, DEA, DHS, FBI, ICE, etc.), should be able to work together on a border control/patrol plan and then present it to the applicable committees. The bottom line is if greater than 50% of the people from these organizations agree to various components (like building a wall), then we should do it if the costs are realistic.
How could we go wrong listening to the people with the expertise? Could you imagine if you worked for Border Patrol over the last nine years and you’ve had to catch and release? Why don’t we take our prison costs down and just catch and release all criminals? Crazy right? Around here we'd call it "Carolina Crazy" because our crazy compared to "California Crazy" are two completely different things. One thing for sure is that liberals would be on board with this because one less felony on the books means one more vote for the Democrat Party.
I don't know if you've noticed but over the last 20 years it's getting much easier to source produce outside of the United States (like from Brazil). California had a lock on a lot of the agricultural business, but then other countries came in and began cutting deals with supermarket chains across the country for good produce during the off seasons for fair prices.
California needs the cheap labor because their state must have competitive prices. So at one end of their mouth they're talking about taking care of the little guy with a $15 an hour minimum wage while at the same time creating an environment where people are willing to move into a community and do the tough jobs for little money.
The wall will be a tool to help us follow through on current immigration laws; it’s not a new law that Trump pulled out of his hat because he’s a racist. If you're a liberal and you're playing this race card I beg of you to put it back in the deck. Although this won't help much as you've pulled the card out so many times it's much more worn than the other cards, so you can no longer hide it.