Humans are complacent by nature. We tend to take things for granted. Basically, we’re bad about counting our blessings. It’s during those times when we struggle that we appreciate the good times. If life weren’t cyclic, we wouldn’t appreciate things like we should. The fact is, without bad we wouldn’t recognize good.
Does this mean we should be happy during troubled times, no, but we also shouldn’t look at a bad day or a bad period of time and think we’re stuck, because thousands of years of precedence shows that things in general turn around. Once things do turn around and improve, it’s a matter of time before we have a bad experience again…it’s just the way life rolls. We need to embrace it with the right mindset during challenging times that this too shall pass.
For example, let’s say you didn’t like your job, but you lost it (this is bad). It wouldn’t take long for you to realize you miss the work especially when it comes to paying your bills (now you appreciate what you had). Then let’s say you got a job (good news), maybe not one that you would’ve originally wanted a few months earlier, but now you appreciate it (counting your blessings). You’d more than likely go into it with a great attitude appreciating your employment (life is good again). We wouldn’t experience the “good” feelings without first feeling the “bad.” Once again this is just human nature because we don’t seem to appreciate the good for long periods of time; we are complacent.
Life is what it is, we have good days and bad. The key is to never forget as we plug along, that life is cyclic; we won’t stay where we are forever whether we’re in a good place or bad. We’re all in the same boat. As I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t matter your demographic…you will enjoy life sometimes and you will hate it. It’s been this way since the beginning of mankind and it’s not going to change. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for the ride!
BTW: I don't agree with the quote below, I say scream and enjoy the ride. :)