Democrats complain about Trump spewing hate when they’re guilty themselves. I can tell you that if I were a Republican legislator, I’d have a very difficult time working with Democrats when they make such horrific claims about the morality of Republicans. Do Republicans do this to Democrats, no. They attack some of the Democrats' policies, but they don’t typically get into the morality of members of the Democratic Party.
By the way, all you must do is go to YouTube and type in names like Elijah Cummings, Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc., and you’ll see they’ve been spewing hatred for years. Republicans were called homophobes, racists, sexists, etc., well before Trump came along. Democrats act like when he arrived that politics turned ugly but it’s an absolute lie. Do I like all the things Trump does or says, no, but deceiving people about Trump being the cause of partisan politics, racism, and violence in our country, is truly disgusting because they all know better.
Since there’s so much to this topic, I’m going to cover it in a few posts. I’ve been hearing for years about common sense gun legislation but apparently when it comes to these legislators, common sense isn’t all that common. There’s no doubt it’s a difficult issue to tackle because they’d be attempting to balance the constitutional right to bear arms, to that of overall public safety, but that's what they're there for but they're not doing anything because of the political ramifications. The problem is immense but doing nothing because they can’t get everything they want isn't a successful strategy. This is certainly the ridiculous way they’re handling illegal immigration.
We handle problems more effectively in the private sector than in the public sector because we can’t afford to waste time and money on anything. They don’t care, there’s no accountability for their actions or lack thereof. Companies often have many problems to address so they prioritize which ones are the most important to address and they go after a fix. Do you see Congress prioritizing anything? They don’t, their approach is to immediately address hot issues that are getting a lot of media play so they can score political points and add to their and the DNC’s campaign coffers.
So, what is the problem in reference to gun control, that they want to solve? Everyone is certainly tired of the murders but let’s put this in perspective. There have been around 70 mass murders (three or more people per attacked qualifies as a mass shooting), this year. Compare this to Chicago that has had 293 citizens killed during the same time period. The fact is, thousands of people die each year from gun related deaths in places like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, and St. Louis, so why aren't these areas getting the attention that Democrats are placing on the mass shootings? More people die in these places each year than all the soldiers killed since we first attacked Iraq sixteen years ago. Let that sink in.
In 2018, victims of mass shootings only made up two tenths of one percent of all gun homicides. There were 20 times more U.S. citizens getting murdered by stabbings than mass shootings. These mass murders make for good press because they aren’t common, yet legislators are treating it like these types of killings are common; they say it's out of control when comparatively and relatively speaking, it's not.
I'm certainly not saying that mass murders aren't a problem, it's just that with limited time and resources, why aren't Democrats going off on the 99.8% of gun related deaths in our country? There's only one logical answer and that is politics. Let me add one more thing and that is the fact that over 90% of gun related murders are committed via handguns not rifles or shotguns, yet guess which weapons Democrats are screaming about, rifles. Just more proof that it's about power and influence, not about saving lives.
Democrats are stoking fear that isn’t justified. It’s sad that so many people buy into what they’re saying instead of using common sense and logic to realize that although these murders are horrific, we’ve got way worse problems when it comes to gun violence that we need to address. Once again, the private sector knows how to prioritize which problems to address first, but politicians in D.C. clearly run amuck each day going anywhere the political winds blow.
My next post is going to address several things including why so many proposals by Democrats regarding gun control are political fodder with no substance. In other words they're on the campaign trail making promises about fixing the system when they know the promises will never come to fruition. Keep in mind, it's the same promises we've heard for the last couple of decades.
The reason I mention this is that if the goal is to reduce mass murders, then taking away things like automatic and semi-automatic weapons, won’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t matter to me whether these weapons are made illegal if it’s constitutional to do away with them, it’s just that it’s not going to stop sick individuals from murdering people whether it’s a mass murder or not. The crazy thing is that no one could reasonably deny this truth yet Democrats are working night and day to hide the truth to fit their narrative of fear to increase donations. It's both sick and sad.