As usual black leaders, especially Al Sharpton, are fanning the flames of hatred creating racial divide among certain groups. They do everything they can to take attention away from the real problems and instead blame whites for the woes of African Americans. This is what generates cash for them. They get to fly first class (sometimes private jets), and ride in limousines. If I were black this alone would make me wonder about these “civil rights” leaders’ motives.
Most of the major crimes committed are in poorer black and white neighborhoods and whites are often referred to as white trash and crackers while some blacks are called thugs and niggers (the “N” word).
Please forgive me if this word offends you; I don’t like it because it seems vulgar but I need it to get a very important point across. Blacks don’t want us to use it even though its usage is prevalent in the black community. I think if a word is off limits it’s off limits. What if we told African Americans they can’t use the words “white trash” but we could and if they did say it they could lose their jobs or at the very least be ostracized for being racist? The double standard is easy to see and it certainly doesn’t help race relations.
There are both black and white police officers patrolling African American neighborhoods and both responding to calls and shooting their weapons at times. These assaults, burglaries, murders, rapes, etc. are mostly black on black crimes and the officers are there to begin the process of justice for the African American families hurt; they’re there to help. Even though they’re doing this to the best of their abilities, they’re vilified as a group by people like Al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Jesse Jackson, Mayor de Blasio, etc. This is divisive and very dangerous rhetoric on their part and has led to the largest racial divide we’ve had since the 60’s.
Can the white community do anything to offset their spin? I don’t think so but the black community can make a positive difference; I think it will be a huge challenge though as the problem is socioeconomic. We’ve tried economically for decades spending over a trillion dollars on social programs to help these communities but things have gotten worse because nature is overwhelming nurture. When the norm is single parent households and high school dropouts, there’s very little we could do to change that.
We’ve seen time and time again where riots turn into looting. Why would they steal from their own communities? They certainly aren’t doing it because they are protesting something they’re doing it because they lack certain morals. We can’t do anything about this; it is the culture they’re growing up in.
Hardly anything in their neighborhoods is what we’d consider normal (i.e. gangs, limited people working even when jobs are available, unwed mothers, a high index of crimes etc.). There’s a lack of respect for practically everything (anti-establishment), in some of these black neighborhoods so almost everything a police officer does (black and white officers), is looked at negatively.
No amount of new training (they already have sensitivity training for African American communities), in how white officers should deal with black communities will make much of a difference. It’s less what these officers can do than what the black communities can do to prevent young boys and men from committing crimes in the first place.
Think about how different it is when you have a co-worker or friend who’s African American but is middle to upper class. They’re not the ones committing crimes. They respect authority. They typically come from two parent families with good morals, they have good educations, and they’re taught to respect others.
These are their common denominators for overcoming bad environments. These are the factors that would turn around black communities but how realistic is it when their negative foundation has been around for hundreds of years? This is why I say it won’t be done…the best we can do is not fan the flames of racism which is exactly what black leaders are doing. Creating division among African Americans and whites is a business to people like Al Sharpton it’s just that many of those struggling don’t get how they’re being taken advantage of by these so-called black leaders.
I don’t know if you feel the same way I do and I realize my outlook is negative even though I’m generally an optimist. I believe the best we can do is to treat everyone with respect regardless of demographics and let the rest play itself out. There’s nothing we can do to fix African American communities and as long as their pointing their fingers at others for their problems they’ll never get where they need to be; a sad but true statement.