1) Ray forced the two brothers out of their own company through taking control of so much of the operations that the McDonald's couldn't handle dealing with the company anymore as it had gotten so big.
2) He gave them $1.3 million dollars each to buy the company and he promised them that he'd give them a 1.5% royalty of all profits which he never did. The McDonald's weren't greedy businessmen and just accepted Kroc at his word. Based on the sales volume today, the McDonald's brothers' family would make over $110 million dollars a year off the royalties.
3) Ray fell in love with the wife of one of his franchise owners so he divorced his wife and she divorced her husband and they got married. His wife gave their $1.5 billion dollar fortune to charity.
4) The brothers were able to keep their restaurant but Ray demanded they take the name McDonald's off of it and he put in his own restaurant less than a mile away. The reason the McDonald's brothers wanted to keep the original restaurant is that they wanted to give it to their employees in thanks for their service. Ray's restaurant caused the closure of the original restaurant in three years.
5) McDonald's has around 36,000 locations and they're in 101 countries. They feed approximately 1% of the world's population each day.