1) In 1214, medical professionals figured out that alcohol helped disinfect wounds.
2) In 1308, barbers were allowed to provide medical services; often blood letting.
3) In 1721, a vaccine for small pox began being used.
4) The first successful appendectomy was performed In 1735.
5) The first radical mastectomy took place in 1773.
6) Artificial insemination was discovered in 1776.
7) Ether was invented in 1842, revolutionizing surgery.
8) Plaster of paris cast, was invented in 1851.
9) Both a hip and knee replacement occurred in 1890 using Ivory.
10) The first successful cardiac surgery was performed in 1895.
11) The X-Ray was invented in Germany, in 1895. It began being used in U.S. hospitals in the early 1900's.
12) Brain surgery began being performed in 1900.
13) Blood transfusions started in 1914.
14) Plastic surgery began being used on British soldiers during WW1 (1917).
15) The first sex reassignment surgery occurred in 1931.
16) The first kidney transplant took place in 1954.
17) The first heart transplant occurred in 1967.
18) The first robotic surgery occurred in 1983.
19) The first hand transplant took place in 1998.
20) In 2013, the surgery simulator was developed so that doctors could simulate surgical procedures without the need of a patient, cadaver, or animal.