Around 62% of Americans are covered under a private healthcare plan while 32% are under government programs. If Medicare for All became the law of the land, private healthcare is over; you wouldn't be allowed a private plan. You'd be forced to live with whatever quality of healthcare the government provides. Ask a Vet what they think of their healthcare. Ask all the people who come to the U.S. from countries with socialized medicine for Catscans, MRI's and surgeries, because they take too long to schedule in their countries. They think our private healthcare system is pretty good.
What would happen to the over 500,000 employees who work in the private healthcare industry? How big would the Federal Government need to be, to manage the 217 million people who are now on private healthcare plans and would need to transfer to a government plan? Would they need to absorb these 500,000 employees to handle the onslaught of medical claims?
Besides the outrageous costs of offering Medicare for All that I mentioned in another post, the idea itself, based on what I shared above, is absolutely ridiculous. It makes no sense yet naïve and uneducated voters will jump on these promises the Democrats are making. I've got to hand it to him, even though he's a bigtime liberal, Mayor Bloomberg said it's crazy to make these claims, that our country would go broke.