Let me start with something I admire about Muslims and that’s how they treat their faith. They’re more disciplined about prayer and in attending services than we are. They treat their Koran as a holy book unlike a lot of Christians who lay their Bible anywhere in their house or car. My opinion is that Muslims live a life of reverence when it comes to their faith and they tend to work their lives around it versus a lot of us who tend to work our faith around our lives.
When I mention Muslims I’m addressing those who are fundamentalist which includes most of the citizens of the Middle-East not those who have been great citizens of the U.S. for years. The Koran includes areas where it talks about the need to wipe out non-believers (infidels). Our Old Testament also has some pretty brutal things in it where the Israelites were told to wipe out entire cities to maintain their religious integrity but over time that all changed especially in the New Testament. Jesus told the disciples to evangelize throughout the world (of course it was pretty small back then) and if someone wouldn’t accept their message they were told to move on to the next home not murder the occupants who turned down their faith.
Christians also are told to live by the Ten Commandments which include: “Thou shall not kill.” I've heard some Muslims argue that Christians have tried to wipe them out but most of that occurred a thousand years ago and U.S. citizens have never been a part of it historically or currently.
We’re called Christians for a reason because we accepted the New Covenant which God provided us through his son Jesus. We believe in treating our neighbors as we would want to be treated. There’re great lessons to learn about life in the Old Testament (like the books of Proverbs and Wisdom) but a majority of our focus is on how the Old Testament leads us to the coming of Christ. Right off the bat in the New Testament, Matthew explains in detail from the Old Testament how Jesus is truly the son of God.
Many Muslims focus on its scriptures of killing non-believers. This is why it’s so dangerous to be a Christian missionary in the Middle East. It can also be dangerous in China but if they pursue Christians they’ll often place them in jail; they don’t hang or behead them like they do in Muslim countries. There’s a big difference in the U.S. as we would never torture someone because of their religious beliefs. So here we have countries that don’t just dislike us, they hate us because we’re infidels to them.
Muslims are treated so much better than Christians in our country. Governments like France were so afraid of the consequences of offending Muslims that they now are the fasting growing group with 8 million Muslims and growing. Our government is so afraid of offending Muslims yet they don’t worry about offending Christians. This is what I call a double-standard. I wonder if children were saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of Islam would our government stop them from doing it? I could be wrong but I doubt it because they’d be afraid of what might happen (a.k.a. terrorist attacks).
I’m not a big fan of random searches at the airport but if they’re going to do it, then they should profile; my word our FBI certainly does it to solve crimes. With the exception of Middle-Easterners, other demographics aren’t known to use aircrafts as vehicles of mass destruction; especially not children and grandparents. It’s absolutely ridiculous to waste time frisking this group. So why do we screen these people; it’s because we don’t want to offend Muslims. This is what I call the tail wagging the dog!
In my opinion we’re giving special treatment to a particular religious group and in most cases we do it out of fear. We’re afraid of upsetting them because the consequences could be deadly. Think about these points from a USA Today article; some public schools and universities like George Mason and the University of Michigan are granting Muslims special prayer times, prayer rooms, and foot baths. We couldn’t even keep prayer in our public schools. In case you didn’t know the work place is their next focus where they’ve been working on different breaks and work schedules that will meet their religious beliefs. I don’t know about you but I’ve never worked anyplace where they’ve made religious accommodations for me.
When Christians in the United States are persecuted we don’t go out and kill those who did it. Recently a few of our military personnel accidentally burned old copies of the Koran thinking that was the way they were supposed to dispose of them. They were wrong but it was an innocent mistake and they felt terrible about what they did. We apologized all the way up to President Obama but it didn’t matter and the Afghanis started targeting our military; the very people who were there to help them. Here they were killing people because of what we did with the Koran yet they’d torture and kill someone in their country if he or she were caught with a Bible.
Why do we accept this double-standard? As far as I know we don’t even call them on it. I’d tell them that we’ll start treating their religious beliefs with respect when they do ours. I just don’t understand why were bending over backwards to please a group of people who have never been pleased throughout their entire existence? Why should we try to please a group of people who have never been able to create allies even with other Muslim countries? When someone shows you who they are you need to believe them.
These are some of the things I think we should do in reference to my above observations. First of all I think Christians should learn a few lessons from Muslims that it’s time to live around our faith and not vice-versa. We should be reverent in all things when it comes to our faith like how we act in church, honoring the Sabbath, reading our Bibles, etc. We should be bold in our faith and not try to hide the fact that we’re Christians just so we can avoid being treated differently by other people. Whether you‘re Catholic or Protestant, it’s time for you to carry your cross with pride and follow our Lord.
The second thing I think we should do is realize most Muslims aren’t like those living in the United States. A majority of Muslims think we’re infidels and should be wiped off of the face of the Earth. We need to keep this in mind in reference to our Foreign Policies with them. We should pull our military out as we could never win the hearts and minds of people who want us dead. We should evaluate the amount of money we’re spending in the U.S. to defend ourselves against terrorism. We spend hundreds of billions of dollars on this (Home Land Security) yet the number of lives lost every year due to crimes blows away our losses on 9/11. I certainly hate what happened but let’s face it we could accomplish exponentially more by allocating funds where they're really needed.
Our FBI and CIA could address all of our terrorist concerns; why we created yet another agency is beyond me except for the possible purpose of making U.S. citizens feel safer. They have tried to justify their existence by saying they've thawarted some terrorist attemps but I guarantee you one of our other agencies was involved.
Law enforcement throughout our country complain that it’s more difficult to do their jobs effectively because of what they have coined “Alphabet Soup.” What this means is that law enforcement is stepping all over themselves because there are times when the ATF, CIA, DEA, FBI, and HLS are all trying to do the same things. There’s often arguments about which agency has jurisdiction. Let me give you an example of this. Let’s say the Port Authority found a cache of weapons in a container. The ATF gets involved because there’re weapons. The CIA gets involved because they need to determine if the weapons came from a terrorist cell. Homeland Security gets involved because they want to figure out where the weapons are headed. The FBI would get involved because they too want to know where the weapons are headed because it might be going to a drug lord or a terrorist cell.
Who's in charge? Which agency will process evidence? Who needs to be called when there’s a lead? From what I hear they’re terrible about communicating with one another as they all take on ownership. I’m not a law enforcement guru but it seems to me this isn’t the right way to fight crime because they’re tripping all over each other.
We should calculate the true value the Middle-East provides. Any leverage they might have like oil should be eliminated or reduced to a controllable level. This is always a smart military tactic. Plus I think we sometimes forget they need us too because they get a lot of money from the U.S. We have other sources of oil available in our country including a mother lode in Alaska. I don’t have a clue why we don’t tap into it especially since Alaskans are begging us to drill for oil. We have to ask ourselves what’s more important, eliminating the leverage the Middle-East has on us or saving land in Alaska; land of which the Alaskans say wouldn’t be negatively affected. If you research the subject, you’ll find the land the Democrats think they’re saving doesn’t have purpose and this is why Alaskans want to move forward with drilling.
We should immediately stop giving Muslim countries foreign aid; here we buy oil from them and we give them money…ridiculous. We should never teach their people military tactics or give them weapons because they always end up being used against us. I bet there are some Russian soldiers who think it’s funny that weapons we gave Afghanistan to fight them are now being used against our troops. Muslims don’t respect us and would rather us dead so our Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy should always be based on this. Let’s pull our military out and let the Muslim countries fight among themselves; this is the way it’s always been.
My last point is in reference to double- standards. I say no more staying quiet. It’s time to contact every one of our legislators about our concerns (use mine above and any others you can think of), and tell them we want the special treatment given to Muslims stopped. How can they get away with prayer rooms and special prayer times? If our government refused to do so then Christians should ask for the same benefits based on precedence.
If we give in to fear like France has done, we will crash just like they did. We should treat them how they deserve to be treated and if they don’t like it then let’s face the attack should it come and deal with them harshly enough that they’ll think twice about doing it the next time.
Taking the high road in dealing with Muslim radicals will only lead to us losing the war. Some people sit back and say they lost but they feel good about the way they played, but the fact is they lost. It’s one thing to lose an innocent game but we can’t afford to lose one that is about our very survival.