1) Maybe large, successful, companies like Coca Cola and FaceBook can absorb this additional costs, but they are a fraction of the businesses in America. Most business owners make little more than $100K a year and they have the stress of losing everything if the business fails. They don't have a bunch of extra money lying around to pay people $15.
2) Only one thing happens when costs go up, retail prices go up. The funny thing is there are countless liberals out there who don't work or pay income taxes, and they don't understand that their own party figured out a way to get into their pocketbooks because they do pay sales taxes and with the costs of goods going up, they will be paying much more. If they have a vehicle, there already paying much higher taxes because of fuel prices at the pump skyrocketing.
3) Of course states like California, Illinois, New York, Oregon, Washington, etc., want the $15 wage because they're already paying it in many cases because of the outrageous costs of living due to democrats controlling everything from city councils on up. Because their businesses are experiencing higher costs of operating they've been getting their butts kicked by competitors from other states. Texas has a bunch of what were originally California companies. So the bottom line is they want their competitors in other states to have to pay more as well. Many problems with this not just from a state to state competitive standpoint, but these other states who are trying to remain competitive and in business, are often competing with other countries as well and need to have the best competitive prices they can for their products and/or services.
4) Well the Biden Administration can't run from this report from one of their own agencies. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 2% of Americans earning a paycheck make minimum wage. The average wage for workers across the U.S. is much higher. Once again, democrats are peacocking about a problem which doesn't even exist. They're swooping in like heroes to save people who don't need saving. While all the while, asking for donations for their false causes. P.T. Barnum was right..."There's a sucker born every minute."
Quite frankly, not all jobs are worth $15 an hour thus why minimum wage was never meant to be a living wage. Democrats have thrown out common sense and logic. They must be stopped.