“The road to regret is paved with “what if’s.”
“An idea without action is just a delusion.”
“I think the subject of math should include teaching children how to count blessings.”
“A picture can paint a thousand words but it’s also true that words can paint a thousand pictures.”
"Our final frontier isn’t ahead of us but instead behind us, where mankind will forever seek answers to both how and why we’re here.”
“My parents used to take things away from me if I wasn’t taking care of it. I hope God doesn’t decide to do the same thing to us for the way we’re taking care of the earth.”
“A deer typically feels safe right before its shot.”’
“If you’re comfortable with where you are, you’re probably in the wrong place.”
“Over achievers are never at peace.”
“If you think your commute is long, an astronaut’s commute to Mars is nine months...that is if they don't hit traffic."
“The greatest difference you can make in life is found within you.”
“Our lives aren’t free; the good news is we only pay for what we don’t use.”
“Some people are like a black hole in space; they take from what’s around them without giving anything back.”
“A successful person will leave no stone unturned while an unsuccessful person will lift a few stones, get frustrated, and walk away.”
"Creating happiness and success is like creating any work of art; you must see it in your mind before it will ever make its way to life’s canvass.”
“Life is like a roller coaster ride where you go fast and slow, you go up and down, you take a lot of twists and turns and you sometimes end up upside down. Some people white knuckle the safety bar during the ride because they’re afraid the roller coaster will jump off the tracks or that they’ll be thrown off the ride. Other people scream with joy during the ride and finish with huge smiles on their faces; same ride yet different experiences. Which one are you? Do you go through life squeezing the safety bar or do you put your hands in the air and scream with joy?
“Successful people are motivated by a carrot while unsuccessful people are motivated by a stick.”
“If you’re looking for normal you can find it swimming with the Loch Ness Monster.”
“If you want to be successful in sales you have to take the attitude that being told no applies to that day only.”
“I wonder how people knew when to show up for work before a time clock was invented?”
“There are four words in the dictionary that most adults get totally confused: wants, needs, success, and happiness. Life will be a lot tougher than it has to be if we don’t get these definitions straight.”
“We can become much more effective socially if we realize that people want to impress more than they want to be impressed.”
“To be successful it’s important to accept failure but not to embrace it and invite it into your home.”
“I saw a report the other day from the Air Force regarding the amount of man-made debris that’s falling from space each year. I thought about this and realized Chicken Little was telling the truth.”
“When I got into the business world I learned the word “we” had a different meaning. One day my boss told me wme had to get a report done even if it took all night. Not only did I find out what my boss meant by we I also found out that working in an office building by myself at night is kind of scary. ”
“I think the first decision a wife makes each morning is whether or not her husband will have a good day or a bad day.”
“I was in Barnes & Noble the other day reviewing the section on Fiction and came across the book: The Joy of Parenting.”
“My parents were kind enough to do a lot of decision making for me when I was growing up like what I’d eat, what I’d wear, what I needed, when I’d go to bed, when I’d get up, and who I’d hang out with; my parents were really helpful.”
“Our economy would’ve crumbled if teenagers were right about everyone over 40 being clueless.”
“Some people are so anchored to their past they never set sail to their future.”
“I love having family and friends who are strange because it makes gossiping so much more fun.”
“The first time I ever saw my parent’s high-five was when I boarded my bus to boot camp.”
“Dogs love more because they judge less.”
“No one is more afraid of going to hell than a fireman.”