There are several things idiotic and terribly divisive in their rhetoric and that is President Trump has been friendlier to Israel than any other President that I can remember. Israel loves him. If he were a white nationalist they certainly wouldn’t. Then there’s the fact that he sure loves his Jewish son-in-law Jared. His daughter converted to the Jewish faith as well. The bottom line is that anyone with common sense knows Trump isn’t a white nationalist, yet they continue to try and paint him as such.
Trump is a nationalist as are Republicans in general. Nationalists believe our country is exceptional and want to do whatever is necessary to keep us this way as it's in the best interests of future generations to have economic, military, and moral leverage. Because we're a superpower, we're able to help people around the world in their time of need. Liberals pushing to make Trump look like a racist, try to confuse everyone as to what being a nationalist means.
Because they’re lying about Trump, they’re creating division in our country. This word is thrown out so much that it has lost its impact, but a country divided will fall. Politicians care more about their Party and their jobs, then they do about our country. They don’t care about the horrendous long-term effect they’re having on us through their incessant lying. They just want to get through the here and now and gain and/or maintain influence, power, and money; this is certainly proven in how they refuse to put together a balanced budget. They don’t want to make the tough choices because they don’t want it to negatively impact their careers. This is how the senators in Rome operated around 2,000 years ago, some things never change.