1) Wal-Mart is taking a stand by refusing to sell ammunition for handguns. I'm sure all the other gun shops are sending out a big "thank you," as Wal-Mart had a 20% market share.
Do they really think that people won't have ammo because they refuse to sell it? Do they really think they'll stop sick people from committing mass murder? I certainly have no problem with Wal-Mart choosing what they will and will not sell, I'm just not sure what they're hoping to accomplish.
2) In reference to gun background checks, when you hear legislators talk about: "Extensive background checks," you'll have a very difficult time finding the legislations that Democrats and Republicans are working on. It should be available, they work for us, but we don't know what's in it until it passes.
I did find that some Democrats are trying to put into the legislation where the law would prohibit a firearm transfer between private parties unless a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, or importer, first takes possession of the firearm to conduct a background check. How exactly are they going to enforce it? Plus once again they're missing a huge point and that is criminals don't want guns that they're going to use to commit crimes, to be registered in their name. I know some criminals are stupid, but most of them aren't that stupid.
I don't have a problem with universal criminal background checks because it's inexpensive to access the data and if a felon is trying to purchase a gun it would be good to know, but the bottom line is that most felons wouldn't even think about having their name put into any database. Let's face it, so much of what comes out of D.C. is all about optics and not about real solutions.