Our economic growth (GDP) has been trending great. The number of people working is up dramatically (job growth and lower unemployment). All of the above will only get better as businesses invest in infrastructure and personnel with the tax breaks.
The economy already started getting better just on the thought of corporate tax rates coming down and more discretionary spending coming available. Trump got rid of a massive amount of regulations (red tape) that were only providing jobs for the public sector while taking away jobs from the private sector. He's making politicians in both parties angry causing some of them to leave office which is what Trump promised in draining the swamp.
He protected us from Syrian refugees which all you have to do is check the reports from other countries like France, Germany, and Sweden to see how they feel about having brought them in with open arms. Spoiler alert...they're very upset with their decisions because of the increased crime and the negative impact they've had on their economies.
Trump reduced our cost in money and manpower at both the G-8 and the United Nations as Obama had let them run over us in order to placate them for how bad our country is (part of his apology tour). The bottom line is, he had us paying more than our fair share of contributions. Other countries don't like Trump as much as Obama which Democrats like to bring up, but this of course is to be expected because Trump's not giving away the store. He's not playing Santa Claus to the world.
He kept us out of the Paris Climate Accord which was a political joke. Instead he stated that when countries like China, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines meet the standards we already have deployed then we'll talk about an agreement.
Trade agreements have a whole different feel now as the Trump Administration is fighting for our fair share not trying to play mister nice guy. His team has the mentality of the private sector and treats the money involved like it's their own versus the public-sector mentality of the Obama Administration that never worried where the money would be coming from.
There's a lot more but I'll leave it at this. I find it horrendous that it's like pulling teeth to get the mainstream media to say anything good about the Trump Administration yet they bent over backwards to find good stories (even ridiculous ones), about Obama's.
I don't like Trump but I love my country which according to many surveys, only around 37% of liberals feel the same yet the other 63% won't leave our country. If you don't like the team you're on, leave; it's the best thing for you and your teammates.
If you're a liberal and think Sweden is a great place to live Google their current living conditions and see if you'd still like to change citizenship. If you don't think this is the greatest country in the world then why aren't you living in your perceived greatest country in the world? Life’s short, make the best of it.