They fumbled all over themselves telling some obvious lies (that they were called out on). Dorsey stated they were wrong in blocking the Joe and Hunter Biden story regarding family corruption. In this case they blocked anyone from forwarding the explosive (and still not proven wrong), New York Post's article that did the expose. Of course, his apology means nothing as he got exactly what he wanted as it appears Biden "might," have won.
The bottom line is that they were caught. Not only this but it was brought out in the hearing that both companies also worked with Google to figure out better algorithms to filter political content that didn't fit their liberal narratives. They'd search for posts with words like election corruption, Hunter Biden, the Ukraine, China, etc. The only information that made it through the first filter were liberal viewpoints from sources like The Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The Washington Posts, The Los Angeles Times, etc., but if stories came from known conservative media, they were canned. Their coders sniffed out negative articles about “raising taxes,” and shut them down.
Can you imagine how much fun those young, software programmers are having, in taking on the dark side (that would be us)? Many of them have grown up believing conservatives are homophobes, racists, sexists, etc., and it’s their role to stop us. They are officially indoctrinated (a.k.a. brainwashed), and what’s funny is that they believe they’re intelligent, independent thinkers, when at the end of the day they’re robots. They only put out what was programmed into them, which because they had to go to college for their occupation, they were hammered with liberal propaganda for at least four years straight. Liberals have a strong foothold in colleges across our country and are grabbing more and more control of educational content in K1 thru K12. By the way students from Harvard just sent a note to the university's president demanding he: 1) Not allow any Trump Administration officials from speaking at the university, that no one from the Administration can be hired by Harvard or allowed to come on campus for any reasons (i.e. presentations, attending classes, etc.). This is where we're at and it's scary.
Liberals are now programming children to believe in socialism not capitalism. Certainly not everywhere, but unfortunately in the largest school systems we have in the country (i.e. Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, etc.). Megyn Kelly (Fox News and NBC), pulled her two boys out of school and they’re going to move out of New York City. What sent her over the edge? The following is an excerpt from a letter that was written by Nahliah Webber, the executive director of Orleans Public Education Network, that teachers handed to students. The letter scared her sons (nine and ten years old), because they thought they'd get beaten up by minorities for being white.
There’s a lot more to what she said than what I’m going to share with you but here’s some of what she wrote: 1) There is a killer cop sitting in every school where white children learn. 2) They gleefully soak in their whitewashed history that downplays the holocaust of indigenous native peoples and Africans in the Americas. They happily believe their all-white spaces exist as a matter of personal effort and willingly use violence against black bodies to keep those spaces white. 3) As black bodies drop like flies around us by violence at white hands, how can we in any of our minds conclude that whites are alright? 4) White children are left unchecked and unbothered in their schools, homes, and communities to join, advance, and protect systems that take away black life. 5) I am tired of white people reveling in their state-sanctioned depravity, snuffing out black life with no consequences. 6) Where’s the urgency for school reform for white kids being indoctrinated in black death and protected from the consequences? 7) Where are the government-sponsored reports looking into how white mothers are raising culturally deprived children who think black death is okay? 8) Where are the national conferences, white papers, and policy positions on the pathology of whiteness in schools?
It sickens me! These were grade school children! And she didn’t get in trouble! Of course, Megyn and her husband aren’t the only parents pulling out so it will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. As if NYC hasn't been hit hard enough by people leaving the state due to outrageous taxes and policies. I'm loaded with great neighbors from New York and New Jersey who got fed up and bailed.
I’d like for you to let something really sink in: What she wrote was extremely dangerous and very newsworthy. What if a white person wrote and spoke words like that (role reversal), the Democratic Party and the mainstream media would be attacking the story with vigor and as we know, double-standards are a huge problem with them. What a huge story that impacted New York City’s school system, and The New York Times doesn’t cover it? Wow!
There are so many issues with the above that I can't go into them all. Democrats don't want these social platforms to change a thing. What's even more disgusting is seeing how the mainstream media didn't share those moments when Mark and Jack were caught red-handed. Instead, they reported on what these men said during their opening remarks which are 100% one-sided. And surprise, surprise, they didn't share that Jack apologized for mishandling the negative Biden story. I say it all the time, it’s the stories they don’t share that also make them corrupt. There's reporting news and there's propaganda with a narrative. They are no longer purely news agencies. They are publishers for the Democratic Party.
I believe 2021 will be the year that Democrats realize they have “woke,” the giant. It’s going to get ugly. But as for me, I’m ready to rumble!